The Weirdo Behind The Blog

Hello world! I’m J, a brand-new college student and aspiring musician. Blogging seems to be kind of a thing, so I guess I’ll give it a shot. My life isn’t too terribly exciting, but every once in a while I’ll have an awesome thought and want to share it in a way other than Facebook, so I guess this is what it’ll be for.

Personally, I’m the weird, awkward, artistic type–prone to explosions of nerdiness, random bouts of conducting and/or rhythmic tapping if the mood strikes and the song’s right, and susceptible to unnecessarily philosophical thoughts and feelings. I like to write and draw and eat and whatnot, but music is what I have chosen as my study and (hopefully!) future profession, so there’ll be a lot about that.

Bear with me as I awkwardly navigate the blogosphere (and life) and attempt to write posts worth reading and sharing.

me, approximately

me, approximately
